The Barbados Alliance to End Homelessness (BAEH), formerly known as the Barbados Vagrants & Homeless Society, continues to receive financial support from Chefette Restaurants. Following its mandate to live up to its corporate social responsibility policy, the Restaurant chain continues to give back to the Barbadian Communities.
Recently, at Chefette’s Corporate office, representatives of BAEH were present to receive the donation. Kemar Saffrey, President of the Alliance said that "Over the last 10 years Chefette has remained one of our committed donors. We at the Barbados Alliance to End Homelessness (BAEH) are eternally grateful for their continued support. Chefette’s contribution to our mission makes it possible for our team to provide daily meals, essential care, and a safe place for our clients to sleep at night. For your generosity, we thank you!" Chefette’s Adverting Manager, Lisa Carter said that “I am pleased that, after 11 years, Chefette can continue to be of assistance to the society in providing the homeless with the much-needed food and shelter allowing us make a significant contribution towards reducing vagrancy and homelessness in Barbados”.